14-19세 중고등학생 & 장년
주일 am 11:30-
English Service
Rejoice and Grow in God
주일 오전 11:30, 3층 회의실
: Rejoice and Grow in God
대상 : 14-19세 중고등학생 & 장년
소개 : '주 안에서' 기뻐하며 성장하는 영어예배부입니다.
English Ministry (previously English Youth Service) at Korean Church in Singapore started in 2013, focusing middle and high school students who are more comfortable in speaking English. We are now providing an “open” service – without age limit, gender, and race, with only one purpose - to honor and worship God.
말씀 : 그리스도의 말씀이 너희 속에 풍성히 거하여 모든 지혜로 피차 가르치며 권면하고 시와 찬송과 신령한 노래를 부르며 감사하는 마음으로 하나님을 찬양하고 (골로새서 3장 16절)
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God (Colossians 3:16)
목표 : 영적 성장과 한인교회및 커뮤니티에서 제자삼기
To reflect the growing in maturity in Christ, and the great commission of making disciples within the Korean Church and the community.
구분 | 월 | 커리큘럼 |
1/4분기 | JAN | Welcome service |
FEB | Indoor activity (Kahoot) | |
MAR | Indoor activity (Kahoot) | |
2/4분기 | APR | Baptism preparation, indoor activity (Kahoot). |
MAY | Graduation service. Awards (QT and attendance). | |
JUN | Outdoor activity. | |
3/4분기 | JUL | Vacation schedule. |
AUG | New comers welcome party, Parents Teacher Meeting | |
SEP | Retreat (tentative) | |
4/4분기 | OCT | Baptism preparation. |
NOV | Thanksgiving. | |
DEC | Christmas concert. |